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Olivia Munn’s Favorite Beauty Tips

July 25, 2024 | Daija Hahn

If you’re a beauty industry enthusiast, you might have heard about Olivia Munn. She is a famous American actress and a television host. She’s well-known for her beauty, with her glowing skin and attractive facial structure easily mesmerizing anyone.  Olivia is half Vietnamese, she has a Vietnamese bone body structure. So, small changes entirely transform … Continued

If you’re a beauty industry enthusiast, you might have heard about Olivia Munn. She is a famous American actress and a television host. She’s well-known for her beauty, with her glowing skin and attractive facial structure easily mesmerizing anyone. 

Olivia is half Vietnamese, she has a Vietnamese bone body structure. So, small changes entirely transform her face. In an interview, she said, “It’s hard to make up for me as little factors change my complete facial structure. Once makeup artists were ready to sign me for the show, and did the same as other white girls. Yet, it doesn’t work for me.”

That’s why she took skincare into her hands and found what works best for her best. She mastered the art of beauty through intense research and trials. So, today we are ready to steal some of the beauty tips from Olivia. 

So, let’s dive in. 

Use Hyaluronic Acid 
Olivia says to retain Hyaluronic acid in the body through natural foods. When we are young our stores of Hyaluronic acid are high, and hence, our skin looks soft and plump. However, as we grow older, it declines in the body, resulting in dry skin and less elasticity. 

You can also retain hyaluronic acid from vegetables like potatoes. Olivia Munn eats potatoes baked with cinnamon and olive oil. If you prefer a topical product, many creams and lotions are available in the beauty aisle that contain high hyaluronic acid levels and minimal or no chemicals. 

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Get Valuable Stuff 
Once Olivia took medications for a few unknown reasons, and then suddenly, a few pop-outs called cystic acne popped out from her skin. She admitted that she never had such acne before and faced it for the first time due to these medications. Then, she tried acupuncture, peels, steroids, treatment, etc., but none of them worked. Finally, she spent a few dollars on Proactive Plus and got rid of acne. 

She always gave priority to her skin over her apparel or other accessories. She says that spending money on shoes or clothes may make you feel guilty but investing in skincare that you wear every day, never makes you feel guilty.  

Clean Your Face Before Going To Bed 
This is another valuable tip by Olivia. Once, she read an article saying that going to bed without washing the face leads to pre-aging. So, she always cleans her face before going to bed. Even if she’s lazy, she keeps a cleaner beside her bed so she is left with no excuses. 

Simple Makeup  
As her face is round, she initially focuses on her eyebrows and cheeks. Later, she put makeup on her lips and eyes. One of her staples is how she loves applying dark lipsticks in day time instead of nighttime. 

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Reduce Your Age With Sweet Potato
Olivia regularly applies a homemade sweet potato mask to help prevent aging and keep up her glowing skin. Do you want to know the directions for this secret recipe? Here it is. 

Start by preheating the oven at 400 F. Take a baking sheet and place the round-cut sweet potatoes. Next, take cinnamon and virgin olive oil and sprinkle on these sweet potatoes. Make sure you cover potatoes in their entirety with cinnamon and drizzle oil on both sides of the potatoes. Finally, bake for 20 minutes until the potato turns golden brownish. 

That’s it. The anti-aging mask is ready. Now, apply this recipe to your face to clear off all fine lines, wrinkles, and scars. 

Olivia Munn always says to always focus on your skincare as it is the one thing you carry for your whole life. She suggests using minimal skincare products and to restore glowing skin naturally through foods, massaging, or other skincare routines. 

As discussed earlier, her most important skincare routines include eating the right food that retains hyaluronic acid, washing the face before sleeping, and applying simple makeup. 

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